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Greentree Neighborhood Association

Anana Elementary School Drive

Supporting our neighborhood elementary!

Greentree’s neighborhood school is Anana Elementary, renamed in 2021 after Milele Chikasa Anana, a Madison community leader and publisher (learn more about her here and here!).

Anana Elementary is also the voting poll location for most Greentree residents!

In the past, GTNA has worked to raise awareness and spread the word on initiatives from the school, such as: gift cards for holiday meals, winter clothing and school food pantry drives, and emergency housing and utility assistance. And of course—the PTO's annual Butter Braid fundraiser!

As with so many things, the COVID-19 pandemic shifted how some of these came together. We are in the process of learning what are the current, most relevant ways to support the school and continue being community partners!

Check back for updated information soon.